Safeguard Your Intellectual Property Assets
in annual losses in the United States from IP and trade secret theft.
stale sensitive files are open to everyone in 74% of organizations
$4.88 million
average total cost of a data breach in 2024
Anatomy of
ATOFIA File Level Security
Zero Trust
- Machine and User Identity
- Context-Aware Authentication
- Audit Log

- Decryption Privileges
- One Click Permissions
- One to Many
Keyless Encryption
- Proof of Work
- Client-Side Encryption
- Encrypted in Transit and at Rest
ATOFIA Cipher+™ is a desktop application developed by ATOFIA for the purpose of encrypting plaintext and decrypting ciphertext. The company’s patented technology embeds device and user identity into the encryption process, supports self-authentication, and features a novel class of keyless cryptography.
Control The Trust
Control Your Files

Mitigate Insider Threat and Data Exfiltration
Insider threat and data exfiltration are very difficult, time-consuming, and expensive for organizations and security teams to detect. ATOFIA Cipher+™ alleviates these security risks by giving organizations an easier, more streamline solution to:
Prevent access by unauthorized devices and users.
Secure your intellectual property in transit and at rest.
Increase visibility into file movement and user activity.
Strengthen Your Work From Anywhere Security Posture
When working as a geo-distributed workforce, there are new challenges to confront to ensure sensitive organizational data cannot be hacked, stolen, or misplaced. ATOFIA Cipher+™ delivers hybrid teams an easy to use, reliable, and secure solution to encrypt and share your business critical plaintext files.