ATOFIA Keyless Cryptography fuses together authentication, authorization, and our groundbreaking keyless encryption to offer a new paradigm for complete control and security of your plaintext data.

A New Way to Secure the Future

ATOFIA Keyless Cryptography is a new branch of cryptography that does not generate nor use cryptographic keys. Until now, modern cryptography has consisted of asymmetric-key and symmetric-key algorithms. ATOFIA 416-Bit Encryption is a pioneering development in the field of Keyless Cryptography.

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Keyless Cryptography


Dynamic. Adaptive. Intelligent

ATOFIA Keyless Cryptography protects organizations from the attacks of today and the problems of tomorrow.



Our transformation routines transform every plaintext input into a final ciphertext output of binary numbers.



Our advancements eliminate the need for the generation, distribution, and management of public and private keys.



The sender of the message cannot deny sending the message and the recipient cannot deny having received the message.



Entropy is increased due to the randomness and inconsistency of every output.



Every single 1 and 0 is equipped with a unique, self-defending halting mechanism based on a one-time constraint.



Our cryptographic protocol is constructed as a non-interactive proof of work.

In August of 2019, the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security formally classified the ATOFIA 416-Bit Encryption Software, Version 1.0 software product under Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) 5D992.c.

This determination was based upon the software qualifying for the Encryption Commodities, Software and Technology (ENC) license exception as a “Mass Market Encryption Item.” This Mass Market Encryption Item is authorized for export and re-export under Section 740.17(B)(3) of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

ATOFIA 416-Bit Encryption

ATOFIA 416 Bit-Encryption is a proprietary and currently unpublished fixed length block cipher. The technology delivers a new, multilayered solution to encryption and data security; giving organizations complete control, transparency, and security of their plaintext data. 

We Welcome Your Questions and Comments.

With new technologies, there are always high levels of interest and curiosity. To learn more about the technology and the cryptographic functionality, drop us a line.

Simple. Distinct. Powerful.

Today’s encryption solutions offer a variety of different ciphertexts. ATOFIA is delivering a new look and direction to ciphertext. Here’s how ATOFIA’s ciphertext compares to some of today’s most recognized: 

Our Approach

Our approach to cryptography goes beyond the current methods of encryption and cyber security. Today’s cryptography is built upon very complex and well defined mathematical systems. ATOFIA Cryptography is built upon inconsistent and incomplete mathematical proofs that are foreign to today’s computing environments.

Stopping Integrity Attacks

In the CIA Triad, integrity attacks are the most stealth, advanced, and evasive threats facing the cyber security landscape. Powered by our cryptography, ATOFIA introduces a new security paradigm to combat these evolving threats; one that constantly monitors and defends the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.